Your Best Self

To me it seems clear that the point of life is to become your best self. To become formidable in the face of the great challenge. To become your best self is to act from inside out. Not being reactionary, even as there are plenty of reasons to do so. Living from your deepest values, and not changing based on the news of the day. 

It is about not giving up before it is time. When the time comes, when it is time to give up, there will be no doubt. Like the leaves at the end of the season when the time is right they float to the ground. Many times we want to give up before our time, predicting out comes and sabotaging our situation by focusing on what we fear rather than what we would like to create. 

The times make the person. In this time with so much changing so fast we must have a relationship to the inner world. Becoming our own best self is about balancing the inner and the outer world, and realizing that this world exists to inspire you and I and to encourage us to inspire each other. If we are willing to accept the situation as it is and have the courage to use the tools we have developed over the years we can be a light in the darkness.

It is OK to  be afraid, just do not be afraid of being afraid. Stay present and notice small details. Breathe deeply and ask yourself and those around you what they love about life. Our best self is big enough to love our own life unconditionally, to have the courage to stand and live open heartedly rather than closed and mean. Be your best self. Resist the urge to gorge yourself with your own opinion.  Do not wait. Lead us where we need to go. 

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