Is this time making you more or less you? This is the opportunity of this time. It presents us with the great challenge of truly becoming ourselves. The true self, the self before the conditioning shaped us into who we once could not have imagined.
Isn't it true? A short time ago could you have imagined going down this road? The Lotus Sutra teaches that all things are altogether the void, like soap bubbles. No matter how substantial they are liable to pop, and when they do things are altogether different.
That is our advantage as well as our disadvantage. If we objectify, if we put our eggs in the basket of anyone else leading us to the life we want we will go wrong. If we are reactive, allowing life to warp up us, we will become horrific reflections of what we could have become. However just as fast as things have gone wrong they can go right. We can only set the stage for this transformation by realizing we must be committed for the long journey ahead. This is a marathon and not a sprint.
If fear is the primary emotion we experience, or hatred, or a sense of unshakable righteousness and superiority we can not help but go wrong. We will attempt to force things to go the way we feel. Consider making a choice in this election away from those addicted to the use of force, because they lead from a deep well of fear.
We can come from another place, a place that is not looking for an opponent but a path to service. It regards being on a path to self understanding, and ownership of where we are as a country. We have to take personal responsibility, and vote from that space. A lion does not live in fear of those that share its habitat. Living from courage We Are That. Choose your totem. Come from a place of confidence. Be a wise and mystic Lion.