That Which Does Not Make You Sleep Wakes You Up

I find the edge interesting. My edge, your edge, anyone’s edge. The edge is the limit that a person has in anything. There is always an edge of limitation, a point that one can not go beyond no matter how much they want to. We are fascinated by our edge, and are drawn to it in many kinds of thrill seeking. It is our secret terror, the terror of having our most shameful secrets revealed or what we most do not want to happen. In the end is the end, death.

So we live in relation to this edge. Most live in it’s shadow based on what they fear, trying desperately not to have what they fear come about. It is like a cat that was a companion of my mine long ago who got it’s head stuck in a plastic bag. No matter how fast it ran the bag was right with it. No matter how we avoid the edge of our fear it is right there, and the decisions we make to avoid it bring as close as the grave.

This is the edge that makes us sleep, either in terms of the propaganda we have been fed, our refusal to look at any evidence that does not fit our preconceived notion, or in the desperate pleasure seeking of self imposed ignorance. 

It is our opportunity and our curse that we have the choice to wake up. Instead of being warped by the massive hypnosis most are seduced by we can use it to wake up. As we see behaviors we find reprehensible we can prove to ourselves who we really are by living from a deep commitment to not exhibit these acts. Toward anyone.

It is a curse as well as karmic debt we incur by pretending that what we see is not happening. It takes courage to admit that we have gone wrong. Let’s admit it. It is obvious. We have gone wrong. Not someone else. Me. It is an ancient curse; may you live in interesting times. This is that time. The curse is that we can be seduced, made to fall asleep and become someone who lives steeped in shame and judgement. That is a nightmare. Or we can wake up and live in kindness and be guided by compassion. Let’s wake up.

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