Choosing To Thrive, Again, And Again,,,

Thriving is one of the most important words. It is important because so few give any attention to the word. It is like the words kindness or compassion. These are words that represent energies that are cut off in our time. It is my perception with words such as these that we must live an oath to keep them alive, an eternal flame that we keep burning until humanity regains its sanity.

Thriving is like forgiveness. It is not a decision you get to make once and live from it from there. You can forgive someone and wake up pissed at them three months later. Forgiveness is a plant that must be cultivated, watered with the ground weeded for resentments, even reasonable ones that might pop up. Every resentment is reasonable to those that resent, so we can not keep that luxury for ourselves if we would forgive.

Thriving is the same. It is a direction and not a destination, It follows your own personal north star. It lies along the path that leads to your ultimate values. Mine are kindness, compassion, joy and positive indifference. We all have supplemental values that support our deepest ones. Some of mine are prolific creativity, a burning drive to fulfill my mission here, a burning drive to release desire. 

This connects to one, if not the greatest challenges of being human. It is this: opposites can be true. This is not something the linear mind can handle. Our sense of logic does not entertain the possibility that if this is true, then that must be false. When we find a truth we settle on it, with it the coincidence that the trust that we settle on always seem to fall on our side of the ledger. Do you notice how often political views seem to line up with the adherents’ demographics? 

The linear mind holds right and wrong, good and evil in terms of what it feels is in it’s best interests. Since it’s survival is good, anything that stands in it’s way is evil. The destruction of evil is paramount. So in its mind evil must be destroyed, like cancer that grows and consumes its surroundings as fast as possible in pursuit of it’s dream of dominance, it kills as it grows.

We must choose a different way. We must choose to thrive no matter what. Thriving is relieving. Sometimes winning is not losing so fast. Thriving means something different if you have a family member who is gravely ill, or a government and a populace sickened by hatred.

Thriving in this time requires the non linear, more than meets the eye. It requires a commitment to our deepest values more powerful even then the love we have for anyone in our lives, because times like this seduce us into objectification, which is the path to cancerous self interest. Can anyone on this planet survive if division proliferates endlessly? This is a closed system. The best thing you can do is to choose to thrive again. And again. And again. And… 

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