The Ocean



You are swimming in the ocean. It is a moonlit night, and it feels good. Suddenly you are pounded into the deep by an unexpected wave. You are driven deeper and tossed about as only God, or Nature, or what some call Fate can do.


In the moments to come you must act. If you begin to swim too quickly, you may well go down instead of up. It is worth taking a moment to calm, to ground yourself. Even now you can relax and notice. Where are the bubbles? Insignificant details lead the way. 


Life is like this. Challenges are often profound and seemingly come from nowhere.They can feel crushing and disorienting. Have no doubt. You will make it. Be calm. Be cool. Slow down. Breathe. Notice the subtle. Be bold. Act.


Do not let the tumultuousness of the outer world convince you to create chaos within. Let it have the opposite effect. The center of being is still and stable. Like attracts like and the calm of your inner world will create calm in the outer. Be patient and have no doubt. The Ocean will heal itself.



Drake PoweComment