It is time to make the choice to be calm, to soothe.
It is a good word. Soothe. it sounds right, like a texture.
To even think the word begins the process.
Make the commitment to soothing energy.
To soothe requires strength. Only the strong can soothe.
We are soothed by that which we know is strong enough to offer security.
It takes a warrior to do this. You are that warrior.
There is something in you that is equal to the task.
In kindness we find the ability to soothe.
In this light our best self is revealed.
No longer separate, no longer alone.
We are strong enough to offer support
Breathe. Feel the texture of breath.
Sigh it out. Listen carefully.
Soothing happens when we are truly present.
This moment is all that we have, and it is enough