Stabilizing The Flame: Balancing The Inner And Outer World

We have touched on the quality of the flame that is steady regardless of conditions. It is represented by the laughing Buddha and that situations do not choose emotions for us, we choose emotions based on our framing of the situation. Working to create the flame that remains steady is another way of describing equanimity  or tranquility.

The price of tranquility Is to see ourselves as the author of our own lives. We do not blame others, and we do not attempt to pressure the world to fit our belief structures. Equanimity is to see all things as equal, or as The Course In Miracles describes, we let go of the dream of specialness. We let go of the belief that our children are more precious than theirs’, and that our culture is superior because we identify with it.

 When we come in contact with those who are committed to intolerance and use of force we can use their commitment to darkness to remind ourselves to move toward the light. If we react to hostility by becoming hostile we are living by the rules of someone trapped in darkness.

Every imbalance is a call for balance. We do not have to take the ways of the world as our compass. Fear does not have to mean what we have been taught that it does, and death can be the best thing that ever happens to us. The commitment of someone who sees themselves as our enemy is powerful. However not even a person blinded by racial hatred or consumed by greed can match the power of death. 

Those who commit themselves to separateness are simply focusing on something to take their minds off to the true dilemma. Everything passes. By learning to use anger and fear as a signal to dig deep we can create a steady relationship to joy that does not fluctuate. It will light our way, and shine away the darkness.

Drake PoweComment