Cary Grant And Sydney Poitier

I have loved movies my whole life. At the same time having no mentorship I was looking for it in the entertainment I would consume. I have said in the past how much the TV show Kung Fu had a major influence in my life. It opened me to a different way of looking at the world and the realization that I did not have to be liked in order to feel good about myself. During those years there were many male film or TV stars that I really liked.  But none more than Cary Grant and Sidney Poitier.

I also loved Marlon Brando for his brilliance and his  realism, but not like Cary and Sidney. With Poitier and Grant it was different. Both of these men had class, a sort of nobility of carriage that seemed to come off both in waves. In 1968 Poiitier had In the Heat Of The Night and To Sir with Love. I loved them both. Later I saw him In When Cotton Came to Harlem. Loved it!

Grant was from an earlier age, but he seemed to have a joy and a sense of fun that sparkled. He had been an acrobat back when his name was Arichibald Leach. Normally I feel like a person should keep their real name, but he was certainly Cary Grant. I loved him in Hitchcock movies like To Catch A Thief and North By Northwest.. I also loved him  in The Philadelphia Story.

They both seemed to exude class. They were graceful in their movement, with their bodies, but more with their ability to move through the world. Everything about them seemed cool to me. Equal to any task, but not sinking to cruelty. Kind, confident, and able to adapt in adversity.

I want to manifest these elements in my own life. Not copying them, but developing that within myself. No matter what role they played, they both seemed like kings to me.  I am not sure what we would call this quality today, but there certainly seems to be a deficit of class. You know, kindness. 

I know that in today’s world many seem to be drawn to leaders who lead  through conflict and division.. We are seeing more people in the world who seem to base their Utopia on hate. They gorge themselves  with faces twisted with rage,  

As for me, I want to be like Cary and Sydney.

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