A Relationship You Can Depend On
Most of us have had friends who are fun but undependable. Perhaps because they make bad decisions. One out of a hundred times they make a decision that gets you arrested. Or perhaps they make you laugh, but notice that often something is missing when they leave. One of the best pieces of advice is to surround yourself with solid, good people. Of course equally important is to be solid as well.
Our relationship with others only tends to be as solid as our relationship to ourselves. If they can not depend on us, we will not be able to depend on them. Actually if we are Self focused we will see that looking out for them is the same as looking out for ourselves. Even setting appropriate limits is good for all parties involved. True service is good for both the served and the server.
What is truly valuable in life is not made so by how much it is generally liked. Do you really want someone you do not know on the highway, or a person you vaguely know on Facebook to set your relationship to your values?
It is easy to become something you never imagined. It is clear that we must set limits. We do not have to become someone who hates. The relationship you can count on is with yourself, but only if you have a bedrock commitment to what it means to be humane. Kindness is not a business relationship.