Our Gifts Are On Lone
Of course this title is a play on words, but it is one that points to several truths. The first of which is that whatever gifts or skills we enjoy can be said to be on loan. We enjoy each for the short span of a single life.
All of these gifts, no matter how singular they may be, are really loaned to us for a short time. Even If we keep our mental acuity for 100 years we find that in the end the span of a century is very short indeed, and before we know it it is time to give up the gifts of a lifetime.
These gifts are on lone because no one can truly experience our gifts but us. No one can explore the joy of being like you. All of the small passions you have had throughout your life from the moments you were not recognized by others to the hidden joys of geekdom, only you get to be you. You actually get to be you for a very short time. You are one of the coolest people who has ever lived, but can miss out by being distracted by all that is.
The gift of being you can only be lived by one person. All of your gifts are on loan, for you only.. Everything you are known for from your strength to your eyesight, from your wit to the beauty of your hair will only be yours for a blink of the cosmic eye. Don’t miss it.
Don’t let the comic tragedy of this place distract you from truly getting to experience being you. You are breathing and you are being breathed.. Everything you do is better when you let it happen.
Listen intensely and drink deeply. You are the main character in this dream. Make sure it is a dream rather than a nightmare by letting your mission here be to experience this place fully. Don't get it twisted. Your gifts are on loan,, but that is why they are precious. Don’t let the drama make you miss them.