Joy, Joy, Joyous Joy
This is the mantra used by one of the best people I know. It is very effective and frames the mine, it’s processes and direction. The rhythm soaks deep into the consciousness, and inspires even as it protects. It acts as a firewall, shielding the user from negativity and shines an intention into the world.
There are many different mantras, and phrases that may have meaning only to you, but it is a way of channelling the power of your mind that is sublime. I know another person who uses the phrase from Star Wars, “I am one with the force and the force is with me.” Again it is a rhythmic phrase, and used with repetition it shields the mind, and allows stress to drop, setting the table for positive possibility.
I use this process every single day. Sometimes I use the phrase “ No shame, no guilt, no judgment. Sometimes I say “ I will not entertain negative thoughts” three times in a row right after I find myself drawn to indulging in stewing in anger. Other times I use chants like “ Nam myo ho renge kyo,’”or “Skellegense.” They all work to support an inner sense of safety even when there is turmoil.
We have two weeks left in this 40 Day Invitation To Genius. Two weeks! I never take for granted that I will have this opportunity again. I want to encourage you to add some heat to your practice. Start now, today. Wherever you have a sense of romance, wherever you have desire to see change activate your passion.
Focus on the positive, and set specific goals and move toward them and speak of them with passionate intensity. Listen to what you say and be sure not to exaggerate how tough things are. They are tough, and negative exaggeration can be the difference between success and failure.
Consider picking a mantra and making it a regular part of every day. Use it regularly, when you have no need for it, and especially when you do. It can support you in sloughing off nervous energy and deescalation of conflict. Joy, joy, joyous joy is joyous indeed! Enjoy it!