Day 2 - You Are Perfect Right Now
You, as you are right now, are perfect
At the center of an enormous circle
The heart of a perfect sphere
Easily confused, but never really lost
How can you be when you are at the center?
Wherever you go you will always be there
With no way to fall off or ever really fail
You are at the right place at the right time
Slow down and relax,
Ask questions but be patient for the answers
Unexpected, are sometimes painful
Joy is not what we imagined
There are no worst case scenarios
Even ugliness can be reframed
And light’s shine reveals that beauty remains
Transformed through genius in service to the whole
Learning to live with what has happened
And finding that we are not what we thought we were
But better, more resilient; stronger than we knew
Focus in what you do, no worst case scenarios at all
You are perfect, and will make a difference starting just as you are
Thank you for reading these posts. To what ever level you take part in “The 40 Day Invitation to Genius” I am asking that you tell us what genius means to you. Leave your comments here and on the daily video on the “Touching The Edge “ YouTube Channel. Together we can make a difference.