Day 6 - Agelessness

I had a rather big moment in my life I would like to share with you. I was writing another post  and realized I hurt myself. It is not the first time. I have adjusted to the aging process. I continue to be very physical, but have adapted the type of physicality. 

This time was different. I realized I strained my lower back and hip. Both now felt off. It occurred to me that this was a rite of passage. I hurt myself sitting in bed. I had to let that sink in. When you hurt yourself sitting in bed it is clear that you have reached another stage in life.

My experience is similar to owning a classic automobile, say a 64’ Corvette that a really stupid kid once owned. Some would say it is a classic Gremlin, but I am going to go with Corvette. In any case my hip hurts, and I am faced with the dilemma of whether I should make up a story as to why, or just be open about it. I guess this post is a clue to me as to what I will decide. I will let you know.

Fortunately I do not have to hide aging from myself, because I am not my body. I measure myself in stages of youth rather than how old I am. I know that when people say how many years young you are they are really saying you are really, really old. I gauge myself by people who are twenty years older than me. I know they would laugh at me if I was to complain to them about getting old. It is not about trying to pretend to be young. It is to actually be ageless. We do not have to be trapped by death and dying. We can be inspired by time. That is genius. 

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