Day 29 - Being Accessible To Power
We are here to experience the authentic. It is in it’s discovery that we find it and our presence are one and the same. When we are truly present we are authentic. This is what we want; to be true to ourselves. In finding our authenticity we also find our purpose. Why then do we fear it?
I see it often. I see it when the angel card with the angel looking in the mirror or rune stone called “honesty” comes up. The client almost always seems to see it as a portend of some unwanted fate. Why would self honesty be viewed as negative?
I feel that it is because the persona that we portray to the world is only a part of ourselves. We attempt to express an ideal version. Like a person on a first date we would like to pretend that we do not pass gas, and that we are only the good that we do or have done. However we like everyone else are whole beings, shades of light and dark. We are more than our worst mistakes, and less than our greatest victories.
In learning to truly experience our own presence, we find freedom, because freedom is not endless choices, but the right choice. We do not have to fear we are not who we hope to be, because if we are wise and healthy we realize that heaven for us is when we are truly ourselves.
When trying to pretend to ourselves and the world that we never make mistakes and that we are above others who have, we step into the desire to use force. We would use force to make the world be as we would have it. The more we focus on those who use force the more we would respond in kind.
We find our power by allowing our power to find us. In being present without a preconceived agenda, learning to be calm, and realizing that life is very, very short we find our power. Our power is in realizing that this could be the last moment of our lives. In this we allow genius to take over, and power flows through us and changes the world, even if it is just our own.