Day 1 -The Commitment To Balance

If we think we will find happiness in this world, if we feel that we will achieve joy here we will find ourselves out of balance and afraid. It is like gravity or the theory of relativity, and the ticking away of a clock. Reliable. consistent. The more we focus on being validated here, the more lost we become. 

There is no happiness here if we are rigid in our belief structures. When we expect life to fix what we feel it should, we will be unhappy. However, if we understand the nature of this place, we find benevolence. This is the essence of what Einstein said was our major challenge, The choice of whether this life is out to get us or support us. I would like to suggest that you are blessed, and you are a blessing. This world, this universe is a gigantic circle, with you right in the middle. You are the heart of your world. You  cannot hate the world  and love yourself.

Finding balance is to realize that you have got to get to what you are here to do. You are here to learn to manage your thoughts and emotions, holding them as important without thinking they are the point of the story. The finger pointing at the moon is not the moon. The emotions are here to serve you, not you being here to serve them. 

We must choose to keep the most sacred human values alive. The time to abandon them is not when they are at risk. We find balance by focusing on our mission in life, and making progress in its fulfillment. Balance is in what you are dedicated to, not what is happening to you. Not ignoring  the challenges, in fact the opposite, This place is exactly what you need to become who you are here to be.

What do you value? What is your motivation, your basic, central motivation? Becoming clear in these questions protects us from breathing in the toxic fumes of the world and allowing ourselves to be a version of that which we hate. There's an urgency for us to work our stuff out; long standing issues that have held us back and in which we have acted in self sabotage. Humanity gets lost in hating itself. Consider a different path. Be kind. Stay compassionate. Commit to the joy of working for a better world. Stand for justice. Find positive indifference, the commitment to love, no matter what. The gift of commitment to these values is balance. 

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