Love Has No Opposite
If you open a room in an ancient pyramid the pitch darkness of a thousand years is banished by the light that floods in. No matter how ancient the darkness, it is not more powerful than light. Darkness is not the opposite of light, but simply its absence. A shadow is a gap of light. Light makes no choices, and illuminates all in its path.
When we talk about the shadow personality we are talking about the part of personality hidden from the outer world, and even partially hidden from the person themselves. It is the part of ourselves that we turn away from. Our fear, shame, hatred and self doubt are all stored there, as well as our greed.
The shadow personality is like holding mud between your two hands. As you apply more pressure there is a point when the mud will shoot out in an unexpected fashion. The shadow personality is the same. What we hide from others and ourselves eventually reveals itself, often in an extremely irrational and unpredictable act.
This is true for all of us. Just as we all cast a shadow, we all have a shadow. The shadow is the light of our true self hidden by the ego. It is the self that sees itself as separate from the others that inhabit our world.
A mirror reflects all that presents themselves and light reveals all that is in its path. The light of love is the same way. Love knows no opposite and is not conditional. Conditional love is not love at all. Darkness is not the opposite of light and hatred is not the opposite of love. Love illuminates all.