Lou Reed
Another legend has passed from this world to the next. At a certain point in life we all face the loss of people we have loved and respected. In the modern world this is even more true. Individuals we have known of all our lives begin to fade, to age and die. Even those who seemed to embody the youth culture fall victim to the same elements that affect us all. Even the best among us age and die.
Lou Reed is one of the legends who live on beyond his death.This is true of all of us. Family and friends remember us after we are gone. Those such as Lou Reed, David Bowie and Bob Dylan all represent individuals who had a major impact on international society and will live on as they were in youth.
All of us must be prepared for the instantaneous nature of time. We are children, then adolescents, and finally move on to maturity and death. Even legends find that life moves on. We each eventually find ourselves marginalized. The youth culture tells us that our worth is based on the opinions of others.
Anyone who defines themselves by a falsehood will eventually find themselves in trouble. Even those with great fame will find that essentially they are the same as us all. You are a miracle by the very nature of your presence and are not made more so by your popularity.
Fame is a lottery that takes as much as it gives. I hope that Lou Reed found meaning that was true for him before he passed. I hope the same for us all.