This is the Beginning

It is so easy to slip into feeling as though we are at the end of our story. At nearly any age, we tend to think of ourselves as a culmination of everything that has happened, waiting for our karma to fulfill itself. Consider flipping this and realize that in the novel of our lives,  this is the time that matters.

Our narrative is all an introduction to now - this moment. Today is page one of the beginning our story. The same thing is true of the 40-day practice we have been doing. There are 13 days left. Realize that starting now - today - and building our intention from now until the end of the practice, is what will make it a success.

The same is true of life. Choosing to appreciate each moment from now on is what will decide our lives. Not living in the rear view mirror, but living with a grounded, calm intention, now.

It is like burning a candle. Living attached to the past burns our lives with a dirty, sooty residue. When living as though today, this day, is the point, we burn our lives cleanly, and without regret. Our story begins now! Today!

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