Giant Steps
The great musician and mystic John Coltrane described music as a path to wholeness. He believed that we all have access to music in our hearts, but can only truly express it when we are fully available. That is when we are able to find answers to our challenges, and are also in contact with wisdom beyond linear understanding.
This is essentially what jazz accesses. Through working hard at being right here, right now we discover there is music in our hearts that is trying to get out. It may not be actual music, but a feeling of rightness, unsullied by personal gain or the need to dominate. In the experience of true suchness we find the trust to improvise.
There is no other to blame. There is only us. Music is an expression of the human heart and is discovered by the ability to pay attention to the subtle. By not insisting the music of life be what we want it to be we can make things better.
Trust yourself. There is something trying to get out. Be a force for good, real good. Do not sit back. Be special and make a difference. In committing to be whole, see everything. Do not just see what you want. In contact with your deepest values, finish the year listening to your heart and finding the harmony of kindness. In the few days remaining of this year we can take giant steps together.