Books that make a difference
Study is one of the essential pillars of practice. It can be done through reading and also listening. We all take in information differently. You do not have to read for a long time, even a couple of minutes here and there. You can also check Youtube and find most of these teachers. Audio books are also a great source. Do not wait! get it going! You can a positive difference , but must be willing to pay the price.
The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior Dan Millman - An easy, light read, good as an intro, especially for young adults
Siddhartha Herman Hesse-A classic, one man’s path to awakening
Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert Pirsig-not really about zen, but a good evaluation of modern values. I particularly like when he makes the point (way back in the 80’s!) about how technology that is meant to make our lives simpler really complicates.
Zorba the Greek Nikos Kazentzakis -Also Anthony Quinn’s greatest role
Illusions Richard Bach- his best book
The Alchemist Paulo Coello
A Path With Heart Jack Kornfield a study of insight meditation
A Still Forest Pool Ajahn Chah-Kornfield’s teacher, and one of the best ever
Zen Mind Beginner's Mind Shunryu Suzuki-the classic the popularized Zen in America
The Master Speaks Joel Goldsmith- Christian mysticism, and the book that changed my view of Christianity.
Meister Eckhart Medieval Christian mystic, just check out quotes online
You Can Heal Your Life Louise Hay-Great book on affirmations
Daring Greatly Brene Brown a modern classic
Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill The greatest self help book,not just about money!
Loving What Is Byron Katie- a great .journaling practice
The Power of Intention Wayne Dyer
Awakening the Giant Within Anthony Robbins
The Perennial Philosophy Aldous Huxley- a primer that finds the common themes of religions around the world by a classic writer
The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz Don’t take life personally!
Rumi the greatest Sufi poet!
A Gradual Awakening Stephen Levine
The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle
The Art of Being and Becoming Hazrat Khan brought Sufism to the west.
The Icarus deception Seth Godin
The Wisdom Of No Escape Pema Chodron one of the best teachers alive, and my favorite of her books
Waking Up Sam Harris- a prominent atheist; demonstrates that mindfulness is for everyone!
The meditations of Marcus Aurelius- At one time the most powerful man in the world. These were his private journals, and a model on how to live
Short powerful teachings-
The Dhammapada- the sayings of the Buddha translation by Ekanth Easwarren
The Wheel of Time- Carlos Castaneda
The Tao Te Ching- the essential teachings of Taoism