Wu Wei
One of the most powerful elements I have come in contact with is the Taoist concept of “Wu Wei.” I have heard it described in different ways, but one of the best is to be like water. Water fits any shape, fits any situation. It has no preferences and adapts to the space provided. It does not resist, but adapts and eventually prevails. It is said to be soft, and yet powerful. It is immensely patient, and yet wears away mountains and cracks rock.
It is soft and pliant and very strong. It flows, and Wu Wei is also called the way of graceful movement. It makes all things appear easy. It is said to be the way of effortless effort. I remember watching Michael Jordan running, almost as though he were jogging while an opponent ran next to him at full speed but moving slower with more effort.
It fits with my own value of positive indifference, the feeling that no matter what we will rise to the occasion. Positive indifference is an unconditional love for life, without reservations. It allows us to face what is. This is the essence of Wu Wei. It represents resilience and hope. Wu Wei is being open to power and letting it flow through rather attempting to force the situation to fit our preconceptions.
The ancient Greek and Roman philosophy of stoicism also have similarities to the practicality of Wu Wei. Adapting to what is and finding the ability to connect with equanimity in the midst of challenge are part of these paths. These practices and ways of framing are crucial for us in this time. It is absolutely paramount that we access the depth of power we can draw from.
Wu Wei is softness in action, but it does not mean not having power. It is like the strength of a great river. There are many who think to be aggressive is to be powerful when it actually activates an endless relation to retaliation, Let’s choose to let power flow through, accepting what is and not forcing the situation. With patience we will find our way. Even in football it is wise to be patient to let blocks develop. When it is right we will act with power and conviction. This our time and we are the right people for the task.