Spiritual Principles Are Not Just For When Things Are Going Well
I could just have easily said our values, but I feel that it is a time for those who define themselves as spiritual to apply what their spiritual life teaches. To me this is a conversation that applies to those who would identify as atheist as well, because for me spiritual life is about having a code, a standard that one would adhere to, an integrity that lets others know who we truly are, but more importantly lights our own way and simplifies life when there are tough decisions to be made.
So to me this is really for everyone. What is the code you live by? Not for others, but truly for yourself. What do you serve? I feel it is important for us to remember that it is one thing to fall short of the standards we aspire to, we all do that. But are we really working to become what we have claimed?
In this practice we learn that anything that happens during the 40 days is meant to happen. This is the life school, and even the most painful lessons are meant to be learned. If we aspire to a great spiritual leader, or even a human being who inspires us with their integrity we have to strive to reach that star. We may not achieve what they accomplished, though both Jesus and Buddha are quoted as saying “You too can do as I have done.”
Even in the times of greatest challenge we find that by breathing into the fear of what might happen, that the worst outcome may come to pass, we can find the courage to let things be as they are. Our grounding practice is there even when we are faced with our greatest fears. In knowing this, in not needing to recoil from possible outcomes it gives the space to move with greater confidence. We are in danger when fear becomes our prime mover. We are always going to be better off moving from informed confidence. Positive indifference is to face what is, no matter what is. This will save us from self- destructive impulses and move us to success. Today. In the election. And after. No matter what.