We All Shine On!

There is something in us that shines into the world. It is different at different ages, but if we are in contact with ourselves we are in contact with it. It shines there at the center of our being, the center of our authenticity, at the center of our humanity. It shines in each of us  at the core, for at the core we each are that. What Sufi’s call The Beloved, where  we have the opportunity to truly surrender. 

When we shine from our core God or whatever might be called that shines with us, as us.  We are fully open and a channel to say just the right thing and are who we need to be. We do not need to try, simply learn to get out of the way so that which is really us can shine out.

In that surrendered space we actually are ourselves. The tyranny of our own opinion is relieved. In surrender we find out that essentially who we are is a story that is being told to us. We are watching a cosmic play in which the actor performing is our self. When we become contracted, when we focus on the egocentric and tribalistic self we actually lose our individuality. We are not authentic, but calculated. A mob is not a group of individuals. They are a single self, mindless and destructive.

So breathe. Sit back and relax. Slow your breathing and focus on relaxing your jaws. Understand that clenched jaws create a closed heart and clenched fists. Relax your jaws and feel how it changes the relationship- to your face, your eyes and the center of your forehead. Relax your jaws with your mouth closed, and then open. Relax your jaws, open your heart.  Breathe and rejoice. No matter what. Shine  on!

Do not forget to watch the video in the morning. Touching The  Edge on YouTube. Turn up the heat a little! You have to be open to change if you want the world to.

A mission.should you choose to accept it. Listen to the song Instant Karma by John Lennon. Do  not just hear it. Listen to it. Peace.

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