The Spirit Of Genius
We are fortunate to live in a time with so much wisdom. We can in a matter of moments access texts that people have literally died in the pursuit of. I have had the good fortune to study these texts throughout life. Buddhists of different sorts, Toasists, Hindu, Toltec, samurai and more. One of the paths that have had a great deal of influence in my world are the ancient Stoics of both Rome and Greece and their sense of the spirit of genius.
They thought of genius as a spirit that would come on a person, rather than the person being considered a genius. It can flow through anyone. This feels really right to me. Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus are the Stoic teachers that have had the greatest effect on me, with Aurelius being my favorite. It is a philosophy that leads to tranquility. Tran-quil-i-ty. Tranquility when broken down literally means tran, in all ways, quil, the writing utensil, ity, meaning the city. The word literally means the home of the author of all. Which is to claim authorship.
True authorship points to is being one's own hero. We can only access genius when we come from inside out. Making progress on being less identified with ego supports us in learning to trust our intuition. This allows us to be open to the genius of others.
We are in 35 day of 40. Please consider sharing your own genius. How has it gone? What has been your process? What did you do? In the next few days please share what you have done to create your own practice and what has been helpful. The key to these 40 day sessions is to make this the first of many, and to improve them as you go. Share your process so we all can learn! And thank you, thank you so very much for the energy you have shared. Love, like fire co-mingles. Thanks for your love! . Drop notes on the “Touching The Edge” Youtube channel, or directly on my website, (which is a bit tough because you have to download the squarespace app) or on Facebook. Please share how you are inspiring yourself and how you access genius!