
In this 36th day of this 40 day practice I would like to both congratulate and encourage you to not stop. It is so easy so close to the end to begin to focus on all that is happening in the world. However if we are truly going to be successful in the challenging experience that we call life we must learn to trust. Through it we can find strength and clarity to fulfill our authenticity.

I say trust because each of us is as special as the unicorn. The unicorn in legend was the rarest of creatures. To see one was a sign of unbelievable good fortune. The unicorn was magical, and it’s every need was fulfilled. You are the unicorn. because you are equally miraculous, and one of a kind. There is no one like you. 

This trust helps us to lower our anxiety and develop resilience. We stimulate it by committing to fully inhabit our lives and to resist the temptation to stimulate fear and to use force in an attempt to shape reality. Force does not stimulate intent, and in fact repulses it. Intent is our way to connect to purpose and the avenue that power flows through. Intent is not a wish, it is not even a statement of aspiration. It is to be determined to accomplish what needs to be done beyond words. Intent is magical, an earnestness that is not attempting to fool the world, but actually working to fulfill its stated purpose. 

This clarity and intention to be earnest is the earth from which resilience springs. Time and again we are faced with circumstances that seem almost hopeless. In connecting to intent we are able to hold our focus and not get lost in the temptation to use force. We can learn to direct our attention rather than having it direct us. When we feel fear we act, but we do not keep fear in the crock pot simmering all day. We recognize patterns that are about the use of force, and through that focused intent we change,

We are being drawn to our purpose. We are here to be in the world but not of it. This means to balance the Inner and outer world by activating an intensity equal to and beyond all that is happening  in the outer world. As Bowie said, “We can be heroes, just for one day.” Today.

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