It feels like we are all hurting

Doesn’t it? It seems the only people who would not say they are hurting are those who seem to focus most on fear and rage. They do not seem to realize they are also hurting, perhaps most of all. 

You do not need to know the answer. Just be aware of the type of questions you are asking. Are you leading the witness? Are you asking negative questions, pointing the lenses of your awareness in the direction of bias?

Or questions like where do we have hope? What do I love about me and my life? Who do I love? What do I want to create? Where is my enthusiasm? What do I feel desire for? What is faith? 

These questions activate a shift in mood and make it easier to come into the present. They attract what we want. If we ask questions that are designed to make life resemble our ego we will hurt separately. Learning to ask positive questions can help us heal together. 

Please checkout YouTube tomorrow morning. Touching The Edge. Just a little more than a week left!

Drake PoweComment