If You Can not Admit It Is Possible To be Wrong, You Are Most likely Not Right
I am amazed by the amount of people with different conspiracy theories. These have been popular throughout all of our lives, all the way back go theories about the grassy knoll and Area 51. However in our time we have seen an explosion of people who are absolutely certain they are right, with no first hand evidence. They can be aggressive if others do not accept their analysis.
We can tell when fear is masquerading as faith because those that pretend to have certainty beyond doubt. They speak and do not really listen, waiting impatiently for others to stop so they can continue to illuminate. They are from both sides of the debate, which would seem to give some difference, but they act in a similar manner. Aggressive, shaming, and willing to destroy a person who may not fit their narrative.
If you see two people fighting, you may be convinced that they have different views as to the nature of reality, when their actual view may be very similar indeed. Self vs other. What has them fighting is the sense of the separate self, and the danger of the other.
As We consider even if we are right in what we believe, we may be lying to ourselves. if we can not be honest we will have a strong tendency to attack those that question our beliefs, even if they are right in what they question. Our tendency to attack, to be unkind should be a warning sign to us that we are straying from ourselves, and seeking to dominate rather than respect. We do not attack when we are truly confident. We do not seek to hobble others when we are truly right. We use force when we are small and insecure. The truly confident are at peace.