Who Are You?
I feel like it is an important question to ask. Who are you? What are you? Are you your name? Does your name Identify you as to who you are? Does your social security number define you? How about race? Or sex, or sexual orientation or gender identification? Are you a Republican or a Democrat? Are you essentially defined by your age? Or your level of hate? Is your essential self defined by the bias you have experienced? Or taken part in?
You can tell when people desperately want to be something to b true by the consistency and fervor of their presentation. If a person truly has faith in what they say, they have no fear of contradiction. They will let you speak and not feel threatened. When a person is truly confident they can listen deeply and intently. If you tell someone that the sun will not come up tomorrow you will not be harassed or killed. They may think you are foolish, but they will not hate you.
A person in this situation may claim that they are confident, but my sense of confidence is not a person with the sound of hysteria in their voice. It is kind of like waiting at a stop line in a top of the line Tesla. If a person pulls up in an old Saturn and revs the motor the person in the Tesla might laugh, but they really do not see you as a threat. They know that their vehicle is more powerful and do not need to prove it to you.
You are not your body. You are not your thoughts. You are not your emotions. You are not the drama that is going on. You are something else. Do not let anyone limit you to this body, because you are far more than the sum of your parts. In fact you are no thing at all, and neither is anyone else. We cannot be defined , only experienced. It is easy to think that we are defined by what we do, but it is even more than that. In the miracle of presence we discover and are amazed by the tranquility of our own individual goodness.. Peace.