The Space In Between

We as humans have a tendency to focus on big moments. Births, deaths, marriages and divorces. Meeting lifetime friends and having major changes. We sit in anticipation of these moments, and are transfixed by the big moments of the past.

Miles Davis said that the key to music is the space in between the notes. It is a fractal. Each part is the same structure as the whole. Just as the space in between the notes is what allows for beauty to be expressed, so to the space in between the big moments of our lives is really what gives us the space to relax. Stress is a state of not having enough space.

Really living in the moments in between is what charges our batteries. Light is in the present, and so is love. Even when remembering someone we loved in the past we experience that love now. Light and love charge us in the present, and we can not carry much of the energy with us. We must keep soaking in the energy in each and every moment. 

Dorothea Brande said we all have a will to fail, some secret part of ourselves that works for our own demise. This part of our psych wants to live for the big moments. It lives to anticipate the future, especially what we fear or hate. It is not a good guide or of good comfort. It focuses solely on the past or future and runs on nervous energy that is stored. We tap our adrenals and run off of vital energy, 

Consider that even if tomorrow is the biggest test of your life the best thing you can do is really be right here, right now. No moment is bigger than any other. No moment should be experienced as simply a bridge to some other, bigger moment. Even in the toughest times, slow down. Make things as simple as possible. Find the space in between. 

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