Did You Check Your Pilot Light?
If you had an issue with your oven or furnace with a pilot light that often went out, wouldn't you make it a priority to check it regularly, to make sure that if it did go out it was not out for long? What would happen if you didn’t? Perhaps the house would fill with gas? It would most likely not be much of an issue if you discovered soon enough, but if left too long couldn’t ignite? Perhaps even explode?
To me this is what we have to be aware of the absolute need to be inspired. Inspiration is the pilot light. Confidence is infectious. So is anger, fear and despair. I am inspired each and everyday of my life. Except for when I get really depressed, which is often. I realized that I do not have much choice. If I do not light my fire, if i don't get determined to make a difference every day in some way, some little way I find that I make a negative difference. I find the fever of judgement overcome my mind and wonder if life is worth living.
So I light the fire every day, That is not true, I light it several times a day. I get myself focused on at least three occasions. First in the morning. I focus on doing the best I can until noon. Then I focus from noon to 6:00. Finally from 6:00 to 11:00. This is literally what I do most every day. It does not have to be in big things. I may focus on micro practices, or getting moving, exercising. It may be in realizing the truth that we are all needing forgiveness for the narcissistic judgement we have been caught in.
Get inspired! Do it now! Would you really, smelling gas, tell yourself that you will get around to it later? Be successful. Do something you love. Crochet. Play chess. Listen to the blues. Be resiliently kind. If we do not wait, if we light the pilot light we can have faith the the furnace will fire up, and warm our homes.
DECEMBER 27, 2019