Day 10 -Balancing The Inner And The Outer World

There are many who are having a very tough time right now. It is equally challenging to have people you love having  difficult life experiences as to have them ourselves. It is a good idea to create an ongoing deescalation process that can be worked on when nothing big is happening so that when the toughest moments occur we have unexpected reserves. 

This is a big part of the intention of The 40 Day Practice. We have to have some part of us that is not just trying to survive, but determined to create a positive change. We do this through a host of actions including asking ourselves positive questions, being with supportive people when possible and the study of stress reduction practice. One of the most important areas of focus is balancing the inner and outer worlds.

The outer world is the world of change, of activities and happenstance that appear out of our control. it is all of the stuff out there, conflicts over Covid, racial and gender issues, global warming. Everything. 

However, it is not just what we would normally think of when we think of world events. It is closer to home than that. Even our own self concept, how we view ourselves is part of our relationship to the world. Focusing on the inner world is moving toward our heart, even deeper than who we are to the world. It is about who we are to ourselves.  What is our authentic self is really us, that within ourselves that is unchanging.

We can balance the inner and outer world by doing something to focus toward subtlety anytime we feel intensity. Sirens and alarms are a great way to make the signals of the outer world mean something positive. Using the sound of a siren to remind yourself to do a grounding practice or positive act. When you hear of ugly behavior in the world, do something in that moment that makes the world a better place. Radiate more kindness into the world when you feel disrespect active. Smile more and be more kind. 

You can make a big difference by realizing that infinity is not just external. It is internal as well, and you exist at the balance point between the inner and outer world. Putting positive energy out, and grounding energy in is the way you can sit in calm stillness and act from faith rather than fear.

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