Hail To The King (or Queen!)

To hail the King or Queen is to acknowledge who they are. They are the most important individuals on the field, all bow their head as they approach. A good king is beloved. The People of the kingdom flourish during his reign. The king is the very heart and head of the land. 

The heart of a thing is the center, the basis and foundation of all else. The main thing is to remember the main thing. If one is in contact with the authentic center all other choices are simplified, when in contact with the main thing all else falls into  place. 

The very center point of a circle is the nexus, the pivot point. If you believe in God this would mean that God is that pivot point. The infinite circle is the universe. Any point in an infinite circle is the center. You exist at the center of a perfect circle. Your heart, the heart of the matter, the energetic heart that you point to in the middle of your chest when pointing at yourself is the center of your being. The center of your being is not your head, but your heart. 

The center point is the heart of the circle. If you believe in God this would mean at the very heart of the heart you will find God, because God is the center of all things. Even if you do not believe in God at the center of your world you will find yourself. First God, what some would describe as primordial awareness, and then you. Your awareness, your Self is there at the center of your world.

What you do matters. What you focus on becomes matter, manifestation made real. You will find what you focus on. Think of how devastating it is to the world of kindness if you give it up? How devastating for us all if you lose hope!

You are the center of your world, the dreamer in your dream. Choose to see your experience as a dream rather than a nightmare. Say yes to it all. See the good, keep the flame of compassion alive. Commit to living in joy no matter what. If you live with positive indifference, shining love and patience on all you will be a great King indeed. (Or Queen!) Hail!

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