Day 30 -The Rhythm Of Existence

There is an underlying mystic rhythm. It is expressed with absolute consistency throughout our experience of living. Everything happens in rhythm. All animals walk with it. Animals make babies in rhythm. The seasons are in rhythm. There are concentric circles of rhythm in all aspects of life.

The two most basic rhythms of our lives are the rhythm of the heart and the rhythm of the breath. These two rhythms are also our best way to access stillness. When we slow our breath and lower our pulse we find stillness that is responsive to our environment. In this stillness we find access to genius that allows us to find our way in the most challenging of times.

The rhythm of the breath is particularly important because we find in it the marriage of ourselves as individuals with that which controls our destinies. The breath is the seat of where we breath and are breathed. 

In watching the breath, feeling the breath and the effects of the breath we learn the lessons of how we can be in harmony with the rhythm of life. Breathing always has a giving and a receiving. The inhalation is sutaninace, and the exhalation is not just waste but a gift to the world. The trees require our breath just as we require the breath of the trees. We are both giving and receiving every moment of our lives.

You cannot live only exhaling just as you cannot exist only inhaling. In all things you have to both give and receive. It is true in life as the major caregiver in a family. You cannot not just be giving, because you will drive yourself into deficit. Just as with the breath in order to be healthy you have to give and receive. 

It is true in the community as well, we have to give to the community, be involved so that it provides the stability we need in turn. By being in contact with our breath we will deescalate our own inflammation, and by grounding ourselves we will support grounding in our community.

Being in contact with breathing both connects to service of the community, but also do ourselves in our individuality. No one who is in tune with the breath is part of a mob. In breathing you are unique, but also whole, and at peace with life.

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