Day - 36 Reboot
It is easy to get into a conflict right now. So many things to be upset about. People angry, not really listening. Perhaps it is time for all of us to reboot?
The reboot I am describing requires a soft grip on the strongest of emotions. Softness, with strength behind it. We have to find a bridge between those who seem to have no middle ground. Most times in these conversations have two people talking with no one listening. I am not talking probing for weaknesses but actually trying to understand. It occurs in real silence. It is feeling strongly, but looking to heal rather than hate.
This listening is disarming. It may not solve the issue at hand directly, but it does create kindness and compassion. It can only be done in patience with an air of openness. Real listening happens in a space of a renewal, a reboot. It is not a frontal assault, but an awareness as unbiased as a mirror. It is being that has no enemy.
So I am here to reboot. I know what I feel, and I am going to set limits when needed. I am going to be politically and socially active. However I am going to really listen, and approach the challenge we are facing with a newness, a freshness. We are one family, inhabitants of the planet earth. Let’s work for solutions. Let’s reboot!