The Difference Between Power and Force

Power is light and force is darkness. Force comes from those that identify as separate with an agenda that promotes their own particular goals. They perceive others as competition in survival. They live in fear, feeling strength through intimidation and domination.

Force is doomed to fail for many reasons.  When a charged ego uses force it charges other egos and promotes conflict. The simple to judgment is a form of force, investing in separateness. It’s shallow roots cannot access the strength of the whole. Those that focus in separateness can bond and increase their force, but are united only by a sense of a common enemy.

The powerful are confident. They are generous because they are not caught in scarcity. They do not force, because there is no need or desire to. Those drawn to force have a relationship to the idea they will win by any means necessary, including violence. They live in a world that is never enough. 

Power Is not afraid of competition, because there really is none. Those that are powerful  are looking to  meet their own standard of excellence, not attempting to stop others from reaching theirs. They are supportive of others, even when competing against them. The forceful are willing to cheat to win. Power gives. Force takes. 

When we use force we feel as though we are doing itt, plotting and manipulating. We do not use power, it flows through us. It does not aggrandize the individual.  People who rise to prominence through force are seduced by the idea that they are special, better than others.  The Course in Miracles warns against the dream of specialness, as though we and our children are somehow above all others. The Buddha said you can not wash away blood with blood. Jesus said that those without sin should cast the first stone. They point to the complete and utter primacy of unity. Of Power.

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