The World Needs You

There is a point in any challenge when you have to focus on what you are bringing to the table. Not sitting in fear of what someone else may do, or of possible worst case outcomes, but in yourself. It is easy to forget with the seemingly endless negative news stories that life is good and that you can make a difference.

It is key to use what is happening as the necessary stimulus to bring the best you have to offer and to not sell it short. Every disturbing story you hear is a call to action. Recognize the power of living with a vow, and commit to inspiration. Get inspired to get really good at calming yourself and practices that help you stay on point as to your mission.  Recognize that you are here to keep the flame of human nobility lit. Make a plan, and work it. Get politically and socially active but do not demonize. 

There is a hurricane active on the planet Jupiter. It has supposedly been going for over three hundred years. It is a gigantic storm, the biggest in this solar system. However, from this distance it is hardly noticeable. The key is space. Part of the reason we are so challenged is that we do not realize that we are bigger than any of these issues. In focusing on immersive practice every day we can recharge our batteries and come to the challenge refreshed. 

Every one of us is important. It is easy to feel that a single life does not matter, but we all do. We are all connected, and our attitudes are infectious. We can choose to be another angry voice in a mob, or we can stand for what we truly believe. Just as each life is important so too is each and every day. Connect to your heart and shine the positive vibration today no matter what.

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