Day 4 - Balancing The Inner And Outer Worlds

Humans beings are an amazing species, capable of sublime acts of courage and compassion, and of monstrous acts of self centeredness. Addiction, which originally meant to be a religious zealot or a slave, binds a person to their greed. So a person who is not balanced will perceive himself or herself in terms of what they feel they possess, like a dog with fear issues, likely to attack those who they feel vulnerable too. 

Our species exists at the point of the contradiction, the point where opposites can be true. We can not accept that we can be right and wrong at the same time. When we find a truth we want things organized in a way that fits us. However, the truth that fits in our mind is usually a biased one warped to fit our advantage. 

When we balance the inner and worlds we have access to wisdom beyond our own and strength we would never have dreamed we could access . The inner world is unchanging, that which is the same today, tomorrow and everyday of our lives. The outer world fluctuates.The inner world connects to faith and wellbeing, and is always reliable. The outer world disappoints and never measures up to our hope of what life would be.

Balancing the inner world will make us more we than we would ever imagine. Then we do we do not put pressure on our relationships to make us happy. This balance connects us to freedom, and to realize that we did not need infinite choices to be free, but the right choice. Feeling that balance we realize we weren't ourselves when trapped in hate. Those who hate see a hate filled world. They actively do things to create more hate.

The ultimate medicine is in the inner world, that which is not afraid , not even afraid of being afraid. and loves unconditionally. Slow your breathing, bring your awareness into your lower abdomen to a spot an inch below the navel and half an inch in. This is called the hara. Breathe slowly and easily. Notice the subtle. Small things, a crack in the sidewalk, an ant walking by. Say the phrase “I AM.” The authentic self does not need likes, and loves the world anyway.

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