Don’t Push The River

This is your time to not just find your power, but to step into it. I say step into it because it is the flow. Your power is the Flow. This flow is the natural flow of life and what is meant to be. Your job is to open your eyes to see it and your heart to feel it. It’s easy. The easiest thing you have ever done.

Doesn't it make sense? Is that the truth? You know the truth you did not know, but know you knew it before you heard it? You never heard it before but you know it’s true. It has to be simple. This is what the most unconscious of fear merchants are conscious of. You have to make it simple. The fear merchants on whatever side they may be; because mental illness knows no boundaries, these individuals offer simplicity. Us good, them bad. Us holy, them evil. However that is not the truth. Squeezing your eyes shut will not cushion an oncoming tree, and pretending that the world fits your agenda carries with it a rude awakening.

Fortunately it is so much easier than that. We sit back in our metaphysical chair. Relaxing our death grip of the fear of dying. Breathing into it and cluing into the subtle. Subtlety is easy. It does not overwhelm you. It soothes you. As such you relax and can find The Flow, the river of life in it, swimming with it, realizing your are part of it, and it is part of you.  It is you. And you have the power of the river to draw from.

This is where inspiration comes. An endless passion, endless because you do not put it on the time card. You serve it, and so it serves you. As such you will make a difference. Don’t you think it is time to do something radical? You have to change your relationship to feeling bad. Not necessarily stop feeling bad. Isn’t that a relief? Having to stop feeling bad, but on some level doubting yourself, knowing you have failed that test so many times before?

In the flow you are not blocked even though you do not like how things are going. Even though you really, really do not like how things are going, because you do not create the bottleneck of absolute obsession with how bad you feel. You can relax about it, and finally get to feeling a little better. Before you know it, you feel good. You just don’t insist on it.

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