The Right Choice

It really is your choice. Do not fall asleep. Do not get caught in the midst of masturbatory dreams where  the ends justify the means. Make the choice here, today, now. Do not hide from the responsibility of this choice, because this duty, this responsibility is response-ability, the ability to respond. If you make the choice, this power, this response-ability is your birthright, but you must choose it to have it. 

This is the power at your command. Simply put, you are a miracle, and as the great teaching “The Course In Miracles” states, there is no order in miracles. A small miracle is just as miraculous as a large one. An ant is equally unlikely to exist as a star. However the miracle does not serve the ego. The nature of ego is to force, and no miracle can be forced into existence. We must make the choice to be open to miracles.

They can not be cajoled or manipulated . We are the channel in which genius flows through. No human is responsible for the genius works they created. You can have technical proficiency, be very good and be incapable of writing a great song,. No artist would choose writer’s block. 

So do not kid yourself and do not hide from it. You can choose either light or darkness, and the choice should be clear. We can delude ourselves into thinking that God  is on our side, and we must play dirty to serve God, and we certainly know what God wants us to win. This is fear masquerading as faith.

The choice is clear. You can either truly be yourself or you can pretend that you know that you are 100 percent right, and every major mistake is someone else’s fault.. Someone else is always responsible,  and the buck stops somewhere else. it is seductive, to know you are one of the good guys, Breathing in darkness, spending your days talking about hate and calling it love, with the hobby of leaving nasty notes on Facebook.

Or you can accept the great mission that has been given. To maintain faith when others lose it, and to live an oath, the intent to keep compassion alive. How cool is that?. You have been given by ability to ensure that kindness is not banished from the face of the earth. No matter how long it takes, and even if you are the last human to commit to kindness. Even then you are well compensated, letting love rule and banishing the hate that cuts us off from our own heart. There really is no choice., never really was. Freedom is not having infinite choices, only one after all. Love.

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