Choose Greatness

In this last written post of these 40 days I would like to ask you to choose to be great. You are not an object, and beyond any definition. You are not your body. You are not your thoughts or your emotions, You are not your age and you are not the drama of your life or what is going on in the world.. 

I ask that you choose to recognize that you are truly great. The whole universe can fit inside of you, and there is something in you that does not change. In truly being in the moment and allowing yourself to be a conduit you have the ability to allow the spirit of genius to flow through.

Choose to be great by accepting that you are not in competition. Neti, Neti, not this , not this means that you are beyond words. Keep your awareness broad and breathe. 

The last of these 40 days is like the last day of life. What did you live for? Greed or generosity? Kindness or separation? If we are whole we do not have to choose. The universe is great, and it is all inside of us.

 All of us. Every person you know. Every person you dislike and all those that you love. Choosing to be great is choosing to be whole, and choosing to live this day as though it were the last.The 40 days are done. What are you living for? 

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