The Impossible Dream

I love the novel Don Quixote. I read it in my early 20’s. Even at the time I resonated with the character, a fool out of touch with reality, and yet was the most sane of any of the characters. He has a steadfast belief in the nobility of life, and a dedication to his purpose not attached to the opinions of others.

I loved and related to the story because I feel that we must have a commitment that is unreasonable, and sometimes unrealistic. I have joked that even if you and  I were the only two people left on the planet I want to be able to turn to you and say sincerely, “You know, I think things will work out.” 

Don quote is a delusional fool, and yet he is the mystic power that drives the narrative, and even as he bumbles, fights windmills as he thinks they are dragons, and professes his undying love for the beauty known as Dulcinea who in reality plain .woman, but to Don Quixote she is the greatest of all. He lives by a code; and it does not change according to the opinions of others, or the collective of a mob. His is the way of chivalry, of  civility. 

He is a man whose ideals do not fit the reality of the world, and yet he somehow does transform those around him. He is delusional, but it is a beautiful delusion  that relates the nobility of humankind, and the importance of living life as an oath.

I remember watching Quantum Leap back in the day. The main character jumps into the body of a performer, has to take part in a musical. Now I am in my mid fifties, and am actually even more fitted to the role of an irrational optimist.I am a chubby Don Quixote.  Not one that does not see what's going on. My heart feels shattered. However, I found the depths of my rootedness in this present moment, this moment. As I dedicate myself to my values, kindness, joy, compassion and positive indifference, I have already succeeded. The sun shines out, not in, and we can change the world. 

I am living the impossible dream, and I will not give up. Will you?

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